VR S3X is an upcoming Prime Shots Originals web series that starts with Deepika Kudtarkar in the lead role. The plot of the web series revolves around a lonely boy who takes girls’ photos and watches in a VR Box. Continue reading to know the VR S3X cast & crew, actress name, release date, where to watch and other detailed information related to the web series.
Title | VR S3X |
Genre | Drama, Fantasy, Romance |
Relaese Date | Release Soon. |
OTT Platform | Prime Shots |
Country of Origin | India |
Original Language | Hindi |
No of Episodes | Yet to Update |
VR S3X Cast
VR S3X is an Indian erotic web series. Please go through the below section, as we have mentioned the actor and actress who worked in the VR S3X TV series.
VR S3X Star Cast with Images
Deepika Kudtarkar
The web series starts with a lonely boy. One day, his friend gives him a VR box and advises him to take girls’ photos. He watches these in the VR Box and goes into an imaginary world where he can make intimate scenes with the girls. Is there any twist in the story? To find out, watch all episodes of the VR S3X web series.
Yet to Update.
Where To Watch & Release Date
The first VR S3X web series promo premiered on 12 November 2023 on Prime Shots’s official YT channel. However, the official release date hasn’t been announced yet.
Where To Watch | Prime Shots |
Running Time | 20-30 Minutes |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of The VR S3X web series on Prime Shots?
Release Soon.
Who is the Star Cast of The VR S3X web series on Prime Shots?
Deepika Kudtarkar leads the web series along with other supporting actors and actresses.