Vasheekaran is an Indian 18+ drama series that will soon be released on the PrimePlay OTT Platform. The web series starts with a boy named Kamlesh who is in love with two sisters unaware of their relationship. It features Shyna Khatri, Anu Mourya, Manvi Chugh, and Anupam Gahoi in the primary roles. Here, we are discussing the Vasheekaran cast & crew, release date, actors’ and actresses’ names, where to watch and other necessary information related to the TV series.
Title | Vasheekaran |
Genre | Drama, Fantasy, Erotic |
Release Date | Release Soon. |
OTT Platform | PrimePlay |
Country of Origin | India |
Original Language | Hindi |
No of Episodes | Yet to Update |
Vasheekaran (PrimePlay) Cast
The web series has assembled with talented actors and actresses. Here are the complete cast details of the Vasheekaran web series.
Name | Role |
Shyna Khatri | Ekta |
Anu Mourya | Ritu |
Manvi Chugh | Chanda |
Anupam Gahoi | Kamlesh |
Vasheekaran Star Cast with Images
Shyna Khatri As Ekta
Anu Mourya As Ritu
Manvi Chugh As Chanda
Anupam Gahoi As Kamlesh
Directed By | Gaurav Singh |
Produced by | Mohsin Alvi |
Editing by | Yet to Update |
Story | Yet to Update |
Cinematography | Yet to Update |
Music | Yet to Update |
Casting By | Yet to Update |
The series starts with a boy named Kamlesh who loves a girl named Ritu. But Ritu ignores him as she is in love with another guy. Kamlesh is heartbroken and takes tuition from a teacher named Chanda who actually is Ritu’s sister. But the story takes a turn when Ritu also finds her love for Kamlesh as well as Kamlesh knows the truth about Chanda and Ritu.
Yet to Update.
Where To Watch & Release Date
Vasheekaran TV series will soon be premiered on the PrimePlay OTT Platform.
Where To Watch | PrimePlay |
Running Time | 20-30 Minutes |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the Vasheekaran web series on PrimePlay?
Release Soon…
Who is the Star Cast of the Vasheekaran web series on PrimePlay?
The Star cast includes Shyna Khatri, Anu Mourya, Manvi Chugh, and Anupam Gahoi.
Who are the Actresses in the Vasheekaran web series on PrimePlay?
Shyna Khatri as Ekta, Anu Mourya as Ritu, and Manvi Chugh as Chanda are the lead actresses in the Vasheekaran web series.