Subhadram is an upcoming Malayalam language TV show that will broadcast on the Zee Keralam channel. The show will also be available to watch on the ZEE5 OTT Platform. It features Shivakumar Kallianapu Puthan, Snisha Chandran, Ponnu Appu, and Anandritha Manu in the lead roles with other supporting actors and actresses. Keep reading to know the Subhadram serial cast, story, wiki, real names, timings, and everything related to the Zee Keralam show.
Serial Name | Subhadram |
Serial Name in Malayalam | സുഭദ്രം |
Channel | Zee Keralam |
Main Cast | Shivakumar Kallianapu Puthan, Snisha Chandran |
First Episode Date | Release Soon. |
Final Episode Date | TBA |
Subhadram Cast
Following are the actors and actresses who worked in the Subhadram serial.
Shivakumar Kallianapu Puthan
Snisha Chandran
Ponnu Appu
Anandritha Manu
Diksha Nair
Recurring Cast
Yet to Update.
Subhadhram serial delves into the narrative of a doting sister, her sacrifices, and her unwavering love for her family. The story of Subhadram is poised to tug the heartstrings and illuminate the selfless love that binds siblings together, offering a fresh perspective on the complexities of sisterhood.
Timing & Where To Watch Online?
Subhadram serial will soon be aired on the Zee Keralam channel and digitally streamed on the ZEE5 digital streaming platform.
Show Timings | TBA |
Show Days | TBA |
Where To Watch Online? | ZEE5 |