Sravanthi is an upcoming family drama show set to release soon on the Gemini TV channel and SUN NXT OTT Platform. The serial plot revolves around a middle-class girl named Sravanthi and her challenges after marriage. It starts with Mounika Ghanta, Nikhil Maliyakaal, Nandakishore Dhulipala, Bharani Shankar, and Meena Vasu in the lead roles. Let’s glance at the Sravanthi cast & crew, actress name, release date & other details regarding the Gemini TV show.
Serial Name | SRAVANTHI |
Serial Name in Telugu | స్రవంతి |
Channel | Gemini TV |
Main Cast | Mounika Ghanta, Nikhil Maliyakaal, Nandakishore Dhulipala, Bharani Shankar, Meena Vasu |
First Episode Date | Release Soon. |
Final Episode Date | TBA |
Sravanthi Serial Cast
Following are the actors and actresses appearing in the Sravanthi TV serial.
Mounika Ghanta
Nikhil Maliyakkal
Nandakishore Dhulipala
Bharani Shankar
Meena Vasu
Recurring Cast
Yet to Update.
Sravanthi is the story of a middle-class girl, Sravanthi, who dreams about getting married to the person who makes her dreams come true, the person who treats her pain as if it is his pain, and when the whole world is going away from her, he walks with her. Mahesh, a business tycoon in their city, wants to marry Sravanthi and approaches her parents. Their happiness touches the sky, and they agree to Mahesh’s proposal. Sravanthi’s parents have concluded that Mahesh can make Sravanthi happier than them. But Mahesh is not the same person as he looks. He is very malicious and can do anything for his benefit. What will Srvanthi do next? To find out, stay tuned to the Gemini TV channel.
Timing & Where To Watch Online?
Gemini TV has released the Sravanthi serial trailer on its YT channel. However, the official release date hasn’t been announced yet. You can also watch the serial 24*7 on the SUN NXT OTT Platform.
Show Timings | Yet to Update |
Show Days | Yet to Update |
OTT Platform | Sun NXT |