Shaktirupenn is an upcoming crime thriller web series that will soon be released on the KLiKK OTT Platform. The web series is set in the village of Barun Biswas where a woman named Dantamoyee shows the direction of light through darkness. Popular actress Basabdatta Chatterjee plays the role of the Dantamoyee in the series. Along with her, Rezwan Rabbani Sheikh, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, Amlan Majumder, Swarna Kamal, Ankur Roy, Rana Mukhopadhyay, and Soumen Dutta are in main roles. Keep reading to know the Shaktirupenn cast & crew, actors and actresses’ names, where to watch and other necessary information related to the web series.
Title | Shaktirupenn |
Genre | Crime, Thriller |
Release Date | Release Soon |
OTT Platform | KLiKK |
Country of Origin | India |
Original Language | Bengali |
No of Episodes | Yet to Update |
Shaktirupenn (KLiKK) Web Series Cast
The series is directed by Surajit Mukherjee. Go through the section below to know the complete cast details of the Shaktirupenn TV series.
Name | Role Name |
Basabdatta Chatterjee | Dantamoyee |
Rezwan Rabbani Sheikh | |
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee | |
Amlan Majumder | |
Swarna Kamal | |
Ankur Roy | |
Rana Mukhopadhyay | |
Soumen Dutta |
Shaktirupenn (শক্তিরূপেণ) Star Cast with Images
Basabdatta Chatterjee As Dantamoyee
Rezwan Rabbani Sheikh
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee
Amlan Majumder
Swarna Kamal
Ankur Roy
Rana Mukhopadhyay
Soumen Dutta
Directed By | Surajit Mukherjee |
Produced by | KLiKK Originals |
Editing by | Yet to Update |
Story | Amlan Majumbdar |
Cinematography | Yet to Update |
Music | Yet to Update |
Casting By | Yet to Update |
Sutia is a small village three hours away from Kolkata. People today know it as ‘Varun Biswas village’. In the three years from 1999 to 2001, a dark time descended on this village. One hellish incident after another happened there. There are at least 200 rape records in that village. Not only that, the small village of Sutia still stands with the terrible memories of 79 rapes in 40 days. The two central characters of this story are Damayanti and Rishan. Rishan has a small boutique in Baichi village. Its designer is Damayanti. All the textiles in this boutique come from Anadibabu’s looms in Fulia. Both of them were returning from there that day. All around was silence, darkness and with it their car was running in the rain.
A sudden cry. A girl in front of the car is scared. Damayanti wants to come down to save him and just then Tilak Das and his two companions Saidul and Kalu stand in front of them. Rishan left the car to save his and Damayanti’s life. The next day they come to know that the girl was gang-raped and killed. Damayanti roared in protest. Although Rishan asked to suppress everything, Damayanti could not accept this untimely end of a girl from her heart. The fight begins.
Yet to Update.
Where To Watch & Release Date
The Shaktirupenn web series will be soon premiered on the KLiKK OTT Platform.
Where To Watch | KLiKK |
Running Time | 30-40 Minutes |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the Shaktirupenn web series on KLiKK?
Release Soon…
Who is the Star Cast of the Shaktirupenn web series on KLiKK?
It features Basabdatta Chatterjee, Rezwan Rabbani Sheikh, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, Amlan Majumder, Swarna Kamal, Ankur Roy, Rana Mukhopadhyay, and Soumen Dutta in pivotal roles.
How many episodes will be there in the Shaktirupenn web series on KLiKK?
Yet to Update.
Where can you watch Shaktirupenn?
All episodes of the Shaktirupenn web series will be streaming on the KLiKK app.