Pret Boys is a new horror comedy web series released on 21 June 2023 on the Amazon miniTV OTT Platform. It’s the story of three friends, Rajat, Prem, and Tatsat, launching a start-up to discover ghosts. The web series starts with Ahan Nirban, Aanchal Munjal, Ritik Ghanshani, and Shardul Pandit in the primary roles. Let’s look at the Pret Boys cast, characters and real names, actresses’ names, availability, release date, and additional detailed information related to the web series.
Title | Pret Boys |
Genre | Horror-Comedy |
Relaese Date | 21 June 2023 |
Country of Origin | India |
Original Language | Hindi |
No of Episodes | Yet to Update |
Pret Boys Web Series Cast
Nisheeth Neerav Neelkanth directs the series. Read on to learn the cast details of the Pret Boys web series.
Pret Boys Web Series Star Cast
Ahan Nirban As Tatsat
Aanchal Munjal As Eisha
Ritik Ghanshani As Prem
Shardul Pandit As Rajat
Pret Boys Web Series Secondary Cast
Yet to Update…
Directed By | Nisheeth N. Neelkanth |
Produced by | Yet to Update |
Editing by | Vinay Malu, Nitesh Tank |
Story | Shivam Sharma |
Cinematography | Kasan Shahid |
Music | Sunny Subramanian |
Casting By | Yet to Update |
Prem, Tatsat, and Rajat, three misfits, launched a start-up focused on smashing ghosts. With their unique abilities and a chance encounter with Eisha, a girl who could see ghosts, their team battles various supernatural entities. But they soon discover a dark force threatening the world. As they face challenges and gather allies, their unity and skills become key to their fight against the ancient evil. They confront the evil force with love and determination in a climactic battle at a forgotten temple.
Where To Watch & Release Date
Pret Boys web series streamed from 21 June 2023 on the Amazon miniTV digital streaming platform.
Where To Watch | Amazon miniTV |
Relaese Date | 21 June 2023 |
Running Time | 30-40 Minutes |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the Pret Boys Web Series on Amazon mini TV?
The Pret Boys web series is available to watch from 21 June 2023.
Who is the Star Cast of the Pret Boys Web Series on Amazon miniTV?
It features Ahan Nirban, Aanchal Munjal, Ritik Ghanshani, and Shardul Pandit in the lead role along with other supporting actors.