London Kills Season 4 (TV Series)

London Kills Season 4 is a new British police procedural television series written and created by Paul Marquess that was released on 10 July 2023 on Acorn TV in the United States. The Drama series follows the detectives of an elite murder investigation squad in London. Hugo Speer, Sharon Small, Bailey Patrick, Tori Allen-Martinare, and Chris J Gordon are the main attraction of the series. In today’s article, we will discuss London Kills Season 4 cast & crew, characters and real names, availability, release date, and additional detailed information related to the web series.

TitleLondon Kills Season 4
GenreCrime, Mystery, Drama
Relaese Date10 July 2023
Country of OriginUnited States
Original LanguageEnglish
No of Episodes5

London Kills Season 4 Cast

Hugo Speer, as DI David Bradford, plays the male lead, while Sharon Small has been roped in as the female lead in the series. Here are the cast details of London Kills Season 4.

London Kills Season 4 Star Cast

Hugo Speer As DI David Bradford

Hugo Speer

Sharon Small As DS Vivienne Cole

Sharon Small

Bailey Patrick As DC Rob Brady

Moviee Talks

Tori Allen-Martin As DC Billie Fitzgerald

Tori Allen-Martin

Chris J Gordon As Giles Abercrombie

Moviee Talks

London Kills Season 4 Secondary Cast

  • Daisy Jelley (Elaine)
  • Maurice Sardison (Police Officer)
  • Phoebe Douglas (Rosa)
  • Janet Kumah ( Marilyn Akintola)
  • Muki Zubis (Lola Smith)
  • Holly Dempster (Aileen Brennan)
  • Aidan Kelly (Cormac Ryan)
  • Michael Slaney (Pub Customer)
  • Mick Slaney ( Pub Patreon)
  • Violet Verigo (Nadia Pawlak)


Directed ByCraig Pickles
Produced byMary Hare
Editing byEmma Collins
StoryJames Coleman, Paul Marquess
CinematographyYet to Update
MusicYet to Update
Casting ByOllie Gilbert


London Kills Season 4 starts with Bradford’s wife’s disappearance, a mystery that is hard to unravel despite there being a fresh murder to solve in every episode. DI David Bradford gets shocked when he comes to know that DS Vivienne Cole is still alive, which flares a tunnel of theories with her catalyzing the entire disappearance drama. Bradford starts believing there is more to the story as the case gets complicated. 

Where To Watch & Release Date

Viewers can watch the London Kills Season 4 from 10 July 2023 on Acorn TV.

Where To WatchAcorn TV
Relaese Date10 July 2023
Running Time60 Minutes Approx

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Release Date of London Kills Season 4 on Acorn TV?

London Kills Season 4 is available to watch from 10 July 2023. 

Who are the Cast in London Kills Season 4 Web Series on Acorn TV?

Hugo Speer, Sharon Small, Bailey Patrick, Tori Allen-Martinare, and Chris J Gordon play the lead role in the series, along with other supporting actors. 

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