KULTA was a new Digi Movieplex special web series released on November 3, 2023. The plot of the web series revolves around a family where the wife is unsatisfied with the husband’s income and walks on another path to fulfil her dreams. It starts with Lucky Saini, Priya Gamre, Muskaan Agarwal, Manisha, and Niranjan in the primary roles. Let’s quickly look at the KULTA cast & crew, actress names, release date, availability and other necessary details related to the web series. This article will walk you through the KULTA cast, actress name, release date, where to watch and other information related to the KULTA TV series.
Title | KULTA |
Genre | Drama, Fantasy, Romance |
Relaese Date | 3 November 2023 |
OTT Platform | Digi Movieplex |
Country of Origin | India |
Original Language | Hindi |
No of Episodes | Yet to Update |
KULTA was an Indian 18+ web series. Following are the actors and actresses featured in the TV series.
Name | Role Name |
Lucky Saini | Yet to Update |
Priya Gamre | Yet to Update |
Muskaan Agarwal | Yet to Update |
Manisha | Yet to Update |
Niranjan | Yet to Update |
KULTA Star Cast with Images
Lucky Saini
Priya Gamre
Muskaan Agarwal
Directed By | Yet to Update |
Produced by | Yet to Update |
Editing by | Yet to Update |
Story | Yet to Update |
Cinematography | Yet to Update |
Music | Yet to Update |
Casting By | Yet to Update |
The KULTA web series starts with a married couple whose household is struggling with poverty, which leads to daily conflict between the husband and wife. One day, someone advises the wife (Prime Gamre) to choose another way to earn a huge amount of money. The wife follows his advice and starts getting money and gifts. When her sister learned about her new profession, she decided to follow the same path. But after some time, a conflict occurs between the two sisters.
Yet to Update.
Where To Watch & Release Date
KULTA web series available to watch from 3 November 2023 on the Digi Movieplex OTT Platform.
Where To Watch | Digi Movieplex |
Running Time | 20-30 Minutes |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the KULTA web series on Digi Movieplex?
Viewers can watch all episodes of the KULTA web series starting on 3 November 2023.
Who is the Star Cast of the KULTA web series on Digi Movieplex?
It features Lucky Saini, Priya Gamre, Muskaan Agarwal, Manisha, and Niranjan in the main roles.