Prime Video India’s horror thriller Inspector Rishi premiered on 29 March 2024. The series revolves around a crime branch officer Rishi Nandhan and his two trusted sub-inspectors Ayyanar and Chitra. They investigate a series of bizarre murders in a small mountain village, supposedly committed by a deadly forest spirit called the Vanaratchi. It is assembled with a star cast of Naveen Chandra, Sunaina Yella, Srikishna Dayal, Kanna Ravi, Malini Jeevarathnam, and Kumaravel.
Title | Inspector Rishi |
Genre | Horror, Thriller |
Release Date | 29 March 2024 |
OTT Platform | Prime Video India |
Country of Origin | India |
Original Language | Tamil |
No of Episodes | 10 |
Inspector Rishi Web Series Cast
Inspector Rishi is an Indian Tamil language series directed by Nandhini JS. Here’s a detailed description of the actors and actresses who worked in the web series.
Name | Role Name |
Naveen Chandra | Rishi Nandhan |
Sunaina Yella | Kathy |
Srikrishna Dayal | Sathya |
Kanna Ravi | Ayyanar |
Malini Jeevarathnam | Chitra |
Kumaravel | Irfan |
Harini Sundararajan | Viji |
Semmalar Annam | Mangai |
Misha Ghoshal | Yamuna |
Gajaraj | Vinod |
Mime Gopi | Sekar |
Vela Ramamoorthy | Kaliaperumal |
Deepthi | Hira |
Vasanthi | Mallika |
Vaishulisa Vallal | Punitha |
Kalairani | Mother Leana |
Geetha Kailasam | Faria |
S.Pagalavan | Harish |
Anandhi Jayaraman | Thulasi |
Yaar Kannan | Udhayan Nambeesan |
Vishva | Tribal Boy |
Manika Kandasamy | Ezhil |
Baby Meenu | Dhanam |
B. Smruthi | Nalini |
Vijayalakshmi | Tribal Shaman |
Vijayashree | Latha |
Aswath Chandrasekar | Abdul |
Saranya Ravichandran | Selvi |
S.K. Gaayathri | Rani |
Videsh | Jagan |
R S Shivaji | Entomologist |
Ghitha Mohhan | Selvam |
Sudharsanam | |
P. Rajalakshmi | |
Srinivasan | Ekambaram |
Lakshan | |
Brindha | Dr. Kamali |
A.V. Deva | Thangarasu |
Karthika Dinesh | Sangeetha |
Jayaraj | Rathinam |
Suresh Kayar | Robert |
Keerthana | Jaya |
Inspector Rishi (Amazon Prime Video) Star Cast with Images
Naveen Chandra As Rishi Nandhan
Sunaina Yella As Kathy
Srikrishna Dayal As Sathya
Kanna Ravi As Ayyanar
Malini Jeevarathnam As Chitra
Kumaravel As Irfan
Directed By | J.S. Nandhini |
Produced by | Shukdev Lahiri |
Editing by | Sathish Suriya |
Story | Nandhini JS |
Cinematography | Bargav Sridhar |
Music | Yet to Update |
Casting By | Yet to Update |
When mysterious deaths begin to plague a mountain village, the local people start to fear that it is the Vanaratchi, a demonic forest spirit that is committing these murders. A skeptical inspector, Rishi, along with his sub-inspectors Ayyanar and Chitra, is tasked with the challenge of uncovering secrets and finding out the truth behind these inexplicable paranormal events. The trio not only navigates through challenges in their personal lives but also battles supernatural forces at play, which test their resolve and abilities to the limit.
- Episode 1: The Huntress
- Episode 2: Devil is in the Details
- Episode 3: In the Shadows
- Episode 4: What Lies Beneath
- Episode 5: Something Wicked
- Episode 6: The Ties That Bind
- Episode 7: Deliver Us from Evil
- Episode 8: The Darkest Hour
- Episode 9: The Secret Cavern
- Episode 10: Close Encounters
Where To Watch & Release Date
Release Date | 29 March 2024 |
Where To Watch | Prime Video India |
Running Time | TBA |
What is the Release Date of the Inspector Rishi web series on Prime Video India?
The Inspector Rishi web series is streaming from 29 March 2024.
Who is the Star Cast of the Inspector Rishi web series on Prime Video India?
It features Naveen Chandra, Sunaina Yella, Srikishna Dayal, Kanna Ravi, Malini Jeevarathnam, and Kumaravel in the primary roles.