Graduate With First Class is a new Indian 18+ film released on 22 March 2024. The movie’s plot revolves around a student named Amit who makes physical contact with a married woman named Maya to earn money. But slowly he realized that Maya used him and he had been trapped. How he will survive is the main attraction of the story. It features Ankita Bhattacharya, Tanya Desai, Kajal Agarwal, Muskaan Agarwal, and Ayushi Bhowmick in the primary roles.
Title | Graduate With First Class |
Genre | Drama, Crime, Fantasy |
Release Date | 22 March 2024 |
OTT Platform | Atrangii |
Directed By | Rafat Abbas |
Story | Yet to Update |
Original Language | Hindi |
Dubbed in | Tamil, Bangla, Bhojpuri ,Telugu |
Graduate With First Class (Film) Cast
Ankita Bhattacharya As Maya plays the female lead role in the movie. Besides, Tanya Desai As Niharika, Kajal Agarwal As Suman, Muskaan Agarwal As Soniya, Ayushi Bhowmick As Preeti, Pranjal Sharma As Amit, and Rajgopal Iyer As Manoj are in significant roles.
Name | Role |
Ankita Bhattacharya | Maya |
Tanya Desai | Niharika |
Kajal Agarwal | Suman |
Muskaan Agarwal | Soniya |
Ayushi Bhowmick | Preeti |
The story of the Graduate With First Class web series revolves around a boy named Amit. In the story, Amit is a student who is worried about his studies because he lives at his maternal uncle’s place. But recently Amit’s maternal uncle died. Now there is a shortage in the house. Amit’s aunt asks him to work. Amit is worried about how will he study now. He wants to take admission in college but he has no money. One day some of his aunt’s friends visit their house. They are married but get attracted towards Amit. Out of them, one woman named Maya offers Amit make physical relationship with her and in return, Amit will get money. Amit badly needs money so he says yes. Maya keeps him with her in her own house. Because her husband has gone out for some work for a few days. But Maya’s friends also like Amit. Gradually Maya takes Amit to a different world. A lot of money goes to him, but Amit is not happy.
Where to Watch Graduate With First Class
One can watch the Graduate With First Class film on the Atrangii OTT Platform.
Graduate With First Class OTT Release date
Graduate With First Class is streaming from 26 April 2024 on the Atrangii app.
Who are the actresses in the Graduate With First Class Movie on Atrangii?
Ankita Bhattacharya As Maya, Tanya Desai As Niharika, Kajal Agarwal As Suman, Muskaan Agarwal As Soniya, and Ayushi Bhowmick As Preeti are the main actresses in the movie.