Glamorous is a new American comedy-drama TV series premiered on 22 June 2023 on the Netflix online platform. The series’ plot revolves around a young makeup artist named Marco, who is hired as an assistant to the beautiful model Madolyn Addison. Kim Cattrall, Miss Benny, Graham Parkhurst, Jade Payton, Ayesha Harris, and Zane Phillips leads the web series. Keep an eye on the Glamorous cast & crew, characters and real names, availability, release date, and additional detailed information related to the comedy TV series on Netflix.
Title | Glamorous |
Genre | Drama, Comedy |
Relaese Date | 22 June 2023 |
Country of Origin | United States |
Original Language | English |
No of Episodes | 6 |
Glamorous Web Series Cast
The series is made under the banner of CBS Television Studios and Two Shakes Entertainment. Let’s have a glance at the cast details of Glamorous.
Glamorous Web Series Star Cast
Kim Cattrall As Madolyn Addison
Miss Benny As Marco Mejia
Graham Parkhurst As Parker
Jade Payton As Venetia
Ayesha Harris As Britt
Zane Phillips As Chad
Glamorous Web Series Secondary Cast
- Diana Maria Riva (Julia)
- Michael Hsu Rosen (Ben)
- Kaleb Horn (Nowhere)
- Lisa Gilroy (Alyssasays)
- Ricardo Chavira (Teddy)
- Nicole Power (Mykynnleigh)
- Damian Terriquez (Dizmal)
- Mark Deklin (James)
- Serena Tea
- Chiquitita
- Mark Suknanan (Priyanka)
- Dan Lim (Fitz)
- Mohsin Sabir (Raj)
- Noah Hicks (Bartender)
- Joel Kim Booster (Cliff)
- Matt Rogers (Tony)
- Brock Ciarlelli (Geoffrey)
- Monét X Change
- Aldrin Bundoc (Jeffrey)
- Charlene Incarnate (Charlene Incarnate)
- Meher Pavri (Dana)
- Aaron Holliday (Rory)
- Dylan Corscadden (Danny)
- Leishe Meyboom (Female Model)
- Christopher Di Meo (Mugger)
- Jayme Armstrong (Mother)
- Laila Kharouba (Candidate)
- Eryk Bogdanowicz
- Elias Hart (Bobby)
- Kristopher Grzella
- Joey Arrigo
- Josh Lamb
- Priyanka
- Nyroby
Directed By | Brennan Shroff, Rebecca Asher, Todd Strauss-Schulson, David Warren |
Produced by | Not Known |
Editing by | Pattye Rogers |
Story | Jordon Nardino, Justin W. Lo, Ashley Skidmore, Celeste Vasquez |
Cinematography | D. Gregor Hagey |
Music | Joy Ngiaw |
Casting By | Collin Daniel, Lisa Parasyn |
It’s the story of a high-school graduate, Marco Mejia, who wants to work in a cosmetic company whose products she panned on YouTube. One day, Madolyn Addison (CEO, entrepreneur and founder of Glamorous Cosmetics and former supermodel) hires Marco right out of high school as her summer intern. She has a plan, and she wants him to be her eyes and ears, to make friends and discover what’s going on behind her back, to discover “what they’re hiding and stealing.
Where To Watch & Release Date
The Glamorous series was streamed on 22 June 2023 on the Netflix OTT Platform.
Where To Watch | Netflix |
Relaese Date | 22 June 2023 |
Running Time | 45-50 Minutes |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the Glamorous Web Series on Netflix?
The web series is available to watch on 22 June 2023. It consists of 10 episodes, with 40 to 45 minutes running.
Who are the Cast in the Glamorous Web Series?
It starts with Madolyn Addison. Kim Cattrall, Miss Benny, Graham Parkhurst, Jade Payton, Ayesha Harris, and Zane Phillips in the main roles.