Delete is a new English-language web series released on 28 June 2023 on Netflix. It’s a thriller drama series that will turn on the dark mode for those with secrets. The series features Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying, Pattarasuda Anumanrajadhon, Nat Kitcharit, Duangjai Hiransri, Nattarat Nopparattayaporn, Sarika Sartsilpsupa, and Sompob Benjathikul in the lead roles. Read on to know the Delete cast & crew, characters and real names, availability, release date, and additional detailed information related to the web series.
Title | Delete |
Genre | Thriller, Drama, Romance |
Relaese Date | 28 June 2023 |
Country of Origin | Thailand |
Original Language | Thai |
No of Episodes | 8 |
Delete Web Series Cast
Parkpoom Wongpoom directs the series. Let’s have a glance at the cast details of Delete.
Delete Web Series Star Cast
Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying
Pattarasuda Anumanrajadhon
Nat Kitcharit
Duangjai Hiransri
Nattarat Nopparattayaporn
Sarika Sartsilpsupa
Sompob Benjathikul
Delete Web Series Secondary Cast
- Yasaka Chaisorn
- Dujdao Vadhanapakorn
- Jaonaay Jinjett Wattanasin
- Chertsak Pratumsrisakhon
- Chindarat Kasuya
- Porntip Kitdamrongchai
Directed By | Parkpoom Wongpoom |
Produced by | Parkpoom Wongpoom |
Editing by | Yet to Update |
Story | Parkpoom Wongpoom |
Cinematography | Naruphol Chokanapitak |
Music | Yet to Update |
Casting By | Yet to Update |
A mobile phone can make people disappear. And when it falls into the hands of people with complicated relationships and hiding secrets, they will have to decide whom they want to delete from their lives.
Where To Watch & Release Date
Delete web series is streaming from 28 June 2023 (United States) on the Netflix digital platform.
Where To Watch | Netflix |
Relaese Date | 28 June 2023 |
Running Time | 30-40 Minutes |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the Delete Web Series on Netflix?
Viewers can watch the Delete web series from 28 June 2023.
Who are the Cast in the Delete Web Series?
The web series starts with Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying, Pattarasuda Anumanrajadhon, Nat Kitcharit, Duangjai Hiransri, Nattarat Nopparattayaporn, Sarika Sartsilpsupa, and Sompob Benjathikul in the primary roles.