Rafuchakkar is an Indian thriller web series released on 15 June 2023 on the JioCinema OTT Platform. It features Bhawsheel Sahni, Priya Bapat, Aakash Dahiya, Maniesh Paul, and Aksha Pardasany in the primary roles. Keep an eye on the Rafuchakkar cast, characters and real names, actresses’ names, availability, release date, and additional detailed information related to the TV mini-series.
Title | Rafuchakkar |
Genre | Drama |
No of Episodes | 10 |
Rafuchakkar Mini-Series Cast
The series is directed by Ritam Srivastav and is written by Arjun Singgh Baran & Kartik Nishandar. Here’s the complete list of cast details of the Rafuchakkar web series.
Bhawsheel Sahni as Harpreet
Priya Bapat
Aakash Dahiya
Maniesh Paul
Aksha Pardasany
Secondary Cast
Real Name | Role Name |
Pushkar Priyadarshi | Yet to Update |
Sushant Singh | Yet to Update |
Lekha Prajapati | Vineeta Pathania |
Abudhar Al Hassan | Designer RKB |
Trupti Khamkar | Yet to Update |
Col Ravi Sharma | Yet to Update |
Chahat Vig | Preeti Gogia |
Directed By | Ritam Srivastav |
Produced by | Arjun Singgh Baran , Jyoti Deshpande, Kartik Nishandar |
Editing by | Pragati Dhadke, Nikhil Kadam |
Story | Arjun Singgh Baran, Kartik Nishandar |
Cinematography | Yet to Update |
Music | Yet to Update |
Casting By | Purvaja Panjare |
A cunning conman with a golden touch who specialises in swindling the rich and corrupt. To find out what happens next? Watch all episodes of the Rafuchakkar TV mini-series.
Release Date & Availability
Rafuchakkar web series is streaming from 15 June 2023 on the Jio Cinema digital streaming platform.
Available On | JioCinema |
Language | Hindi |
Release Date | 15 June 2023 |
Running Time | 30-40 Minutes |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the Rafuchakkar TV Mini-Series on JioCinema?
The Rafuchakkar web series is available to watch from 15 June 2023.
Who is the Star Cast of the Rafuchakkar TV Mini-Series on JioCinema?
The web series starts with Bhawsheel Sahni, Priya Bapat, Aakash Dahiya, Maniesh Paul, and Aksha Pardasany in the main roles.