Ninnu Kori is an upcoming Telugu language serial that will soon air on the Star Maa channel. It will also be telecast on the Disney+ Hotstar OTT platform. Koilamma serial fame actor Sivakumar plays the role of the hero while Kannada actress Akshita Deshpande in the role of the heroine. It’s the story of two people being cheated by the same person and fighting for justice. This article will inform you about the Ninnu Kori serial cast, story, wiki, release date, show timing, and other necessary information related to the TV show.
Serial Name | Ninnu Kori |
Serial Name in Telugu | నిన్ను కోరి |
Channel | Star Maa |
Main Cast | Sivakumar, Akshita Deshpande, Sibbu Suryan |
First Episode Date | Release Soon |
Final Episode Date | TBA |
Amrita Varshini and Kavyanjali fame Kannada actress Akshita Deshpande will play the female lead role in the serial Ninnu Kori. This is her debut Telugu serial. On the other hand, popular Telugu actor Sivakumar plays the role of the male lead. Besides, actor Sibbu Suryan who played the role of hero in many serials now plays a negative role for the first time in the serial.
The promo of the Ninnu Kori serial is very interesting. In the promo, we see that Akshita Deshpande plays the role of a wife who is being cheated by her NRI husband. In the next scene, we see a person played by Sivakumar who loses financially at the hands of the same man and fights for justice.
Ninnu Kori serial will be soon streaming on the Star Maa channel and also digitally available to watch on the Hotstar app.
Show Timings | TBA |
Show Days | TBA |