Ullu OTT Platform is all set to entertain viewers with its new erotic web series titled Jaanch Padtaal released on 2 May 2023. The plot of the series revolves around a young girl Kamla and her love affairs. Ishika Bose and Payal Patil play the primary roles in the series. Here’s the Jaanch Padtaal cast, characters and real names, actresses’ names, availability, release date, and additional detailed information related to the web series.
Title | Jaanch Padtaal |
Genre | Drama, Fantasy |
Available On | Fantasy, Drama |
Language | Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam |
Release Date | 2 May 2023 |
No of Seasons | 1 |
No of Episodes | 2 |
Jaanch Padtaal All Episodes
In the below section, we have prepared a complete list of Jaanch Padtaal episodes with their release date.
Episode No | Episode Name | Release Date |
1 | Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse | 2 May 2023 |
2 | Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse | Part – 2 | 9 May 2023 |
Jaanch Padtaal Web Series Cast
Let’s have a glance at the complete cast details of the Jaanch Padtaal series along with their real and role name.
Real Name | Role Name | Featured in |
Ishika Bose | Kamla | Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse Part 1, 2 |
Payal Patil | Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse Part 1, 2 | |
Samita Paul | Nikki | Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse Part 1, 2 |
Birendra Singh | Shyam | Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse Part 1, 2 |
Anish Roshan | Jeetu | Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse Part 1, 2 |
List of Jaanch Padtaal Actresses with Pictures
In the given section, we have prepared a list of Jaanch Padtaal actresses with their detailed information.
Ishika Bose
Born: 17 December 1997
Jaanch Padtaal Episodes: Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse Part 1, 2
Ishika Bose is an Indian model and actress who worked in various corporate jobs at the beginning of her career before becoming a Model. Ishika Bose has walked the ramp for several fashion shows and done modelling for some consumer brands. She has also worked as a makeup artist. Then, Ishika Bose turned to acting with adult TV series and has appeared in many web series like Dr. Chourasia (2022), and Mohan Chabiwala (2023). She also played the role of Kamla in the Jaanch Padtaal web series. Besides, she was cast in a music video titled Inayat (2019).
As: Kamla
Payal Patil
Born: 1996
Jaanch Padtaal Episodes: Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse Part 1, 2
Payal Patil is an Indian Actress, Model, and Social Media Star. She is well-known for starring in the role of ‘Renu’ in the web series “Secretary”. She also appeared in Aamraas and Jaanch Padtaal web series. Payal has a massive fan following on her Instagram account.
Samita Paul
Born: 6 May 1994
Jaanch Padtaal Episodes: Jaanch Padtaal | Desi kisse Part 1, 2
Samita Paul is an Indian actress and model who mainly works in Indian web series and music videos. She was cast in many web series like Chachi Kaan, Haadsha, and Secretary. She also played the role of Nikki in the Ullu web series Jaanch Padtaal.
Yet to Update…
The Jaanch Padtaal web series starts with a young girl named Kamla who secretly meets her boyfriend. Kamla’s mother feels that her daughter has grown up and now she should get married and for this, she talks to Kamla’s father. They fixed her marriage and gave her many marriage tips. Now the twist begins when it is revealed that the place where Kamla is getting married has a tradition of pre-marriage investigation.
In this article, we have covered all information about the Jaanch Padtaal series including the Jaanch Padtaal web series cast, Jaanch Padtaal all episodes, Jaanch Padtaal actresses’ names and other things. What’s more? Watch the series and feel some romantic environment.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the Jaanch Padtaal Web Series on Ullu?
Jaanch Padtaal is available to watch from 2 May 2023.
Who is the Star Cast of the Jaanch Padtaal Web Series on Ullu?
Ishika Bose and Payal Patil play the lead role in the web series.
How To Watch Jaanch Padtaal Online?
Download the Ullu app on your device from App Store or Play Store. Take a premium membership. Watch all episodes of the Jaanch Padtaal web series.