Hoichoi’s upcoming original series Parineeta starring Debchandrima Singha Roy, and Gaurav Chakrabarty is set to release on 15 August 2024. The story takes place against the backdrop of the Bengal Partition in 1905 and begins with Lalita and Shekhar’s coincidental meeting at Monghyr station following their four-year separation. Arpan Ghoshal, Lokenath Dey, Pushpita Mukherjee, Debdut Ghosh, and Mimi Dutta also play major roles in the web series.
Title | Parineeta |
Genre | Drama, Romance |
Release Date | 15 August 2024 |
OTT Platform | Hoichoi |
Directed By | Aditi Roy |
Story | Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay |
Original Language | Bengali |
Dubbed in | Yet to Update |
No of Episodes | 6 |
Parineeta Cast
Debchandrima Singha Roy As Lalita plays the female lead role while Gaurav Chakrabarty As Shekhar is in the male lead role. Here’s the complete list of cast details of the Parineeta web series.
Name | Role Name |
Debchandrima Singha Roy | Lalita |
Gaurav Chakrabarty | Shekhar |
Arpan Ghoshal | |
Lokenath Dey | |
Pushpita Mukherjee | |
Debdut Ghosh | |
Mimi Dutta |
Parineeta Star Cast with Images
Debchandrima Singha Roy As Lalita
Gaurav Chakrabarty As Shekhar
Arpan Ghoshal
Lokenath Dey
Pushpita Mukherjee
Debdut Ghosh
Mimi Dutta
Based on the timeless novel by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, Parineeta, a chance meeting at a train station after years apart reignites old emotions between Lalita and Shekhar, sparking a tumultuous journey of love, jealousy, and complex bonds.
- Episode 1: Bohu Juger Opaar Hotey
- Episode 2: Purano Shei Diner Kotha
- Episode 3: Shuk Sari
- Episode 4: Michhey Obhiman
- Episode 5: Robey Na Goponey
- Episode 6: Tumi Sondharo Meghomala
Where To Watch & Release Date
Viewers can watch the Parineeta web series from 15 August 2024 on the Hoichoi app.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Release Date of the Parineeta web series on Hoichoi?
Parineeta web series is available to watch from 15 August 2024.
Who are the Star Cast in the Parineeta web series on Hoichoi?
The web series starts with Debchandrima Singha Roy, Gaurav Chakrabarty, Arpan Ghoshal, Lokenath Dey, Pushpita Mukherjee, Debdut Ghosh, and Mimi Dutta in the lead roles.