It’s a talent show where contestants display their exemplary acting skills to win and acquire the coveted crown. The Drama Juniors reality show’s first episode aired on 4 February 2023 on the Zee Keralam channel and is telecast every Saturday to Sunday at 9 pm. Viewers can also watch the show anytime on the Zee5 OTT Platform. Jeeva Joseph hosts the show, and Miya George, & Vidhu Prathap are the judges.
Show Name | Drama Juniors |
Channel | Zee Keralam |
OTT Platform | ZEE5 |
Genre | Reality |
Judges | Miya George, Vidhu Prathap |
Host | Jeeva Joseph |
Producer | Yet to Update |
Production House | Yet to Update |
Drama Juniors Contestant List
Let’s glance at the contestant list of the Drama Juniors reality show.
- Thejus Menon
- Vedika Rohith
- Aryadathan
- Sreedev Pradeep
- Daivana Ajith
- Vedika Sreekumar
- Nakshathra Jagadeesh
- Lucky – Rishi P Prashanth
- Niranjan EV
- Theertha Shivaraman
- Anamika KM
- Madhav Shankar
- Raniya Rafeeque
- Balamani RS, Vedalakshmi
- Anirudh Krishna
- Vaiga Lakshmi P
- Avani Ragesh
- Miya George
- Vidhu Prathap
One can watch the Drama Juniors reality show from 4 February 2023 on the Zee Keralam channel every Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm. You can also 24*7 time watch the show on the Zee 5 digital streaming platform.
Channel | Zee Keralam |
Produced By | Yet to Update |
Start Date | 4 February 2023 |
Telecast Time | Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm |
Repeat Telecast | Yet to Update |