Boka Bakshote Bondi is a Psychological Drama series that premiered on 21 June 2024. The series’ plot revolves around an actress named Aupala and the incidents in her life. Bengali heartthrob Solanki Roy plays the role of Aupala in the series. Besides her, Neel Bhattacharya, Shoumo Banerjee, Alivia Sarkar, and Riya Ganguly are in significant roles. Here, we are discussing the Boka Bakshote Bondi series cast, story, release date, actors & actresses names, and other details related to the web series.
Title | Boka Bakshote Bondi |
Genre | Psychological Drama |
Release Date | 21 June 2024 |
OTT Platform | Hoichoi |
Directed By | Debaloy Bhattacharya |
Story | Debaloy Bhattacharya |
Original Language | Bengali |
Dubbed in | Yet to Update |
No of Episodes | 6 |
Boka Bakshote Bondi Cast
Directed by Debaloy Bhattacharya, the series is assembled with many well-known actors and actresses. Check out the section below for the complete cast details of the Boka Bakshote Bondi web series.
Name | Role Name |
Solanki Roy | Aupala |
Neel Bhattacharya | |
Shoumo Banerjee | |
Alivia Sarkar | |
Riya Ganguly | |
Amit Chatterjee |
Boka Bakshote Bondi Star Cast with Images
Solanki Roy As Aupala
Neel Bhattacharya
Shoumo Banerjee
Alivia Sarkar
Riya Ganguly
Aupala, an actress in her late 20s, wants to leave her acting job and wants a life free from the constraints of the limelight. Trapped in a disorienting maze, Aupala grapples with her sense of self, she tries to make sense of the situation but fails. How will she get away?
- Last Scene
- Ami Ke?
- Nokol Bari
- Chithi
- Ami Notun Golpe Raji
- Phire Jaowar Pawthey
Where To Watch & Release Date
One can watch the Boka Bakshote Bondi web series from 21 June 2024 on the Hoichoi OTT platform.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Where to Watch the Boka Bakshote Bondi Web Series?
You can watch all episodes of the Boka Bakshote Bondi TV series only on the Hoichoi app.
Who are the Actors in the Boka Bakshote Bondi Web Series?
Solanki Roy, Neel Bhattacharya, Shoumo Banerjee, Alivia Sarkar, and Riya Ganguly are in the lead roles in the Boka Bakshote Bondi web series.